Chorionic Villus Sampling (CVS) is a type of prenatal test in which a sample of chorionic villi is taken from the placenta and that material is analyzed. The sample can be taken transcervically (through the cervix) or by inserting a needle through the lower abdominal wall.

A sample of chorionic villi is taken to test for chromosomal abnormalities or to determine the gender of the fetus. During pregnancy, the placenta provides the fetus with oxygen, nutrients and helps eliminate harmful substances from the baby’s blood.

Chorionic villi are small extensions from the surface of the placenta and that possess the genetic characteristics of the fetus.

Depending on your clinical picture, your doctor may recommend this method. It is often performed after one of the prenatal screening tests shows positive values ​​for certain chromosomal abnormalities, so the analysis of the chorionic villi gives the final diagnosis.

It can also be recommended to pregnant women who are 35 years of age or older, or to pregnant women who have hereditary predispositions to the occurrence of certain genetic conditions.

The intervention is an early diagnostic method, performed in the first three months of pregnancy, between the 10th and 13th weeks with a reliability of 99%. Statistics show that the risk of spontaneous abortion is about 1%. Results are available within 48 hours.


For all information about chorionic villus sampling (CVS) and other interventions during pregnancy, contact us on our phone numbers on weekdays from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. or write us an email.