Cordocentesis is a prenatal diagnostic method. This procedure is performed after the 22nd week of pregnancy, and aims to detect genetic abnormalities, potential infections and determine the sex of the child. In certain cases, cordocentesis can be used to give medicine directly into the baby’s bloodstream.
Due to the development of other diagnostic methods, cordocentesis is now performed less often. Cordocentesis is the most common application for diagnosing anemia in fetuses.
This method is done by taking a sample of blood from the umbilical cord with a needle through the abdominal wall. In addition to taking the baby’s blood, the procedure also requires a sample to be taken from the pregnant woman. This is necessary in order to be able to make an adequate comparison and to ensure that the cordocentesis results are obtained by analyzing only the baby’s blood.
Taking blood from the umbilical cord is not complicated. The specialist follows the path of the needle via ultrasound.
The result of the cytogenetic test is obtained after 3-4 days. The risk of pregnancy loss is 1.1%.
For all information about cordocentesis and other interventions during pregnancy, contact us on our phone numbers on weekdays from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. or write us an email.